Luck Is What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity

アメリカ製薬研究職への転職活動 番外 1:電話インタビューの質問対策


Phone Interviewの話がひと段落しました。きりがいいので、Phone Interviewに向けて対策したQ&Aを以下にまとめておきます。実際に聞かれた質問も含んでいます。

これまでのPhone interviewの記事は”No4:序盤戦””No5:中盤戦””No6:終盤戦”を参考にしてください。



Q. Why this position is attractive to you? Why do you think you are fit for this position? What interests you about this job?
My passion is to dedicate myself to find novel therapeutics by understanding protein structure, function and dynamics. I believe that it is necessary to make truly effective and evidence based drug. Without understanding proteins, I think it is very hard.
When I saw this position, I felt the job description totally matches with my passion, experience and expertise. And it motivated me to join this group of XXX (Company name).

Q. Who I am (5 and half years postdoc, 10 years technical experience)?
I have been working as a postdoc in the Brenda Shulman lab in St Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee since 2012.  After I completed my PhD in Japan, I came here for a new challenge and learning advanced level science.  My research interest is to understand how proteins and protein complexes regulate cellular processes, molecular mechanism by integrating structural biology, biochemistry and biophysics.  Throughout my PhD and postdoc training, I have learned the fundamentals of those skills.  When I ask myself what challenges I want in the future, I realize that I want to use my expertise to finding novel therapeutics.  When I saw this job description, I felt the job description totally matches with my passion, experience and expertise, because I believe a multidisciplinary approach is essential to understand molecular mechanism and develop evidence-based truly effective therapeutics.  Also, since I have a keen sense of adventure, I am excited to learn cutting edge technologies at Pfizer.


Q. Why would you like industry job rather than academia?
My passion is finding a novel therapeutics by understanding protein structure, function and dynamics. I fell my efforts are more closely and directly linked to drug discovery rather than academia jobs.  This is the reason why I would like to work in industry at this point.


Q. How much salary do you expect?
I think 90,000 to 100,000 dollar should be reasonable according to the most of job websites.

地味に毎回聞かれたトラップ質問ではないでしょうか…GreedyかUnderestimating myselfか聞きたいのか?Jobサイト見れば大体の額すぐわかるんでけどね。

Ex) Glassdoor


1. Human Resource系Phone Interview質問




2. Researcher系Phone Interview質問


最後までお付き合いいただき、ありがとうございました 🙂